Friday, June 3, 2011

Tyler's Birthday today!!!

Hello everybody!!!  Today was my baby's birthday!  Tyler turned 3 years old today,  I can't believe time is passing so fast.  Only 3 short years ago, Tyler arrived and made our little family complete.  He is so sweet, and makes me smile everyday!  He also drives me nuts sometimes, but I wouldn't trade him for the world.  We didn't do anything super exciting today, we had a small party and one of our friends joined us this evening for cake and we sang to Tyler.  He had fun at his party, and enjoyed the phone calls he received during the day from family calling to wish him a happy birthday.  He was so cute! Every time he would respond birddaaaayyyy??!!  Here are a couple photos of my sweetie pie from today.
Love you Tyler!!!!!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Tyler! We love you and hope we see you soon!

    Tisha, Bella, Sam and Bryon

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG GUY!!!! Have loads of
