Sunday, May 15, 2011

Award recognitions...finally!!!!!

 I am sorry, I am such a slacker.  I haven't posted my award recipient blogs for some of the awards I have received in the past month.  With vacations, no internet during those vacations, and trying to get projects going, etc. (I know...excuses, excuses!)  I haven't paid it forward to my wonderful bloggy friends.  I have thanked those that awarded me, though, so that's 1 for me, right? 

Alright...for the Versatile Blogger Award, I received this from Tisha from Tisha's Craft Cove, Jenn from Craftyfulgardens, Janice from Cricutology, Laurie from Scrapsbysissy, Lala from ScrappinwithlalaAnnie from anniebeescraftroom and Kathlee from kathleessnippitsncricuts.  Thanks so much for thinking of me, ladies!!!!!  Now, everyone, please visit each of their awesome sites, you won't regret it...they are awesome crafters :)

The rules for this award is to Share 7 things about yourself, and share this with 15 wonderful blogs of your choice, let them know you have awarded this to them, so they can then pay it forward.   Be sure to post this award on your blog.

7 things about myself:
  1. I am a Sagitarrius.
  2. I will be 40 in December...eek!  (good I don't feel like it, huh?)
  3. I just had my 15 year wedding anniversary last Friday.
  4. I hate the snow, but hate the heat too, I'm rarely weather comfortable!  
  5. I love to blog, and I'm glad to say I have made a few crafty friends, and that makes me soooo happy!
  6. My parents and brother live 1hr 15 min away from me, but with gas prices (almost $5 in Skokie!!!), it may as well be another state, and we don't visit as often as I would like.
  7. I have a ton of ribbon and paper...I think I have a!

15 blogger friends I chose for this award:

Be sure to go to each of these blogs and show them some love :).  I will be notifying each of them of their award.

I also received the BEST FRIEND BLOGGER AWARD from Tisha from Tishascraftcove and my new BFB Janice from Cricutology.  Go visit these sweet and talented ladies as well!!!!!

The rules for receiving this award are to post this on your blog, link back to the sender and thank them.  Then pass it on to those you visit regularly.
The people I have chosen for this are:

Anne from Createacardbyanne
Laura from Bunniescraps
Debi from Debican01
Leslie from Cascrapper
Karen from Karens-kakes-krafts

Of course, Tisha and Janice, you know you guys are my BFB's Already :)

Visit these super sweet and talented ladies as well...I will be notifying them of this award to post on their blog.

I received this award most recently from Terri from myneed2craft.  It's the YOUR BLOG IS CRICUT-TASTIC AWARD.  Terri's blog is fabulous, and you should definitely go check her out!

Here are the rules for receiving this award:
Wear this badge proudly on your blog and share it with friends. Share this award with 10 people that you think have Cricut-tastic blogs. You also have to tell 5 cricut related things about yourself.
5 Cricut related things:

1.  My husband talked me into buying the Cricut Expression and the Gypsy.  
2.  I have about 55 cartridges.  
3.  I love to see what projects others create with their Cricut and Gypsy.  
4.  I want every Cricut cartridge, even though I haven’t even used the ones I have.
5.  I prefer the carts with easy layering

Here are the awesome blogs I am awarding this to: 

Lala from Scrappinwithlala
Sue from Susanascorner
Terri from scrappinwiththebug
Carolanne from loganscraftymomma
Deb from Bugjuiced
Tami from Tamiscraftconnection
Maureen from Mosaddiction

You have just gotta go check out these Cricut-Tastic awardees!

Thanks for being patient, and I hope everyone enjoys their awards!

Crafty Love,


  1. Wow, Thanks so much for the award I will pay it forward, and for the comment on my Tinkerbell card!!

  2. You are too sweet. Thank you for thinking of me. I know this is off subject but...I love your blinkie! How cute!

  3. Thanks so much for thinking of my Gina! Love ya girl!


  4. Hi Gina, thank you for the BFF Blogger Award, that was so sweet of you! I will pay it forward to others.

