Saturday, July 2, 2011

Another KRAFTING with KYLIE Episode!

My talented little girl made another card for her "bloggy friends".  She had made this on Father's Day, but daddy took a little time uploading her video.  We've been a little busy.  Anyway, she got a lot of good crafty things for her birthday, and she told me we just have to have another video for her to do.  That will be coming sooner than this last one, I hope.  Well, enjoy, and as always, Kylie and I appreciate you watching!!!!!  I feel bad rushing her all the time, but I don't want the videos to be too long.  I need to chill out, and if you guys have time to watch, you will-right??


  1. Your videos are so cute!SUPER job with your Father's day card Kylie.I LOVE IT!!:)

  2. You two are so precious! I love hearing you both decide on things or explain so as long as you both have a great time, who care how long. Tom edits it so he will know what omit. Love this card Kylie!

    Love u!

  3. That is amazing, thanks for sharing!

    Hey, it's giveaway time at Pixie Dust Paperie, please come join in the fun!

  4. Hi Gina, how cute is that and she's done a good job too.
    I have an award for you at my blog. Click on over and get. Hugs, Debi

  5. Scrapbooking and paper crafting is a very nice hobby. Aside from preserving moments, this video just shows that it could be a way to bond with kids! Great job! Your daughter would be a great designer someday, that's for sure. :)
